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About Thycon

Australia’s foremost manufacturer of power conversion products.

THYCON is Australia’s leading manufacturer of power quality and conversion solutions for the industrial, resource and commercial sectors.

Since the company’s foundation in 1968, our product line has grown steadily in response to technical advances and market needs. Today, it encompasses cutting edge Battery Energy Storage for Power Utilities & Distributors, Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Critical Applications, Ground Power Units for Aircraft, Port Power Converters for Port Docks, High Current Rectifiers for Light and Heavy Rail Substation Power, Current Regulators for Airport Lighting and more.

Diverse customer sectors

These products have been supplied to most government departments and blue chip commercial and industrial companies throughout Australia. They have been used to supply and protect applications as diverse as computer networks, newspaper presses, manufacturing machines, stadium lighting, airfield lighting, commercial and defence aircraft, motors, anodising plants and rotary and static frequency loads.

A growing international reputation

The THYCON reputation for robust, long life, quality equipment is well established in Australia where many products are still in operation after more than 30 years of service. In recent years we have also earned international recognition in the form of multimillion dollar contracts to supply power conversion equipment to harsh environments in the USA, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand… and more.

Australian made

THYCON products are designed and developed to handle conditions in Australia, where robustness, reliability and efficiency are imperative. Where appropriate, key components of every product are sourced from local suppliers ensuring we retain full control when designing, manufacturing and servicing our products.

Ongoing research and development

That many THYCON systems are still in operation after 30 years of service gives us no cause for complacency. We insist on staying ahead by investing over 10 percent of our total revenue in research and development. New technologies are constantly being examined to update and improve products and manufacturing techniques and we offer excellent facilities for design and development, including simulation and modelling software, CAD systems, dedicated test bays and testing instrumentation.


ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

Quality Assurance, Safety and Environment practices are intrinsic to THYCON. We have been certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards in our  manufacturing processes and overall company operation since 1995 and to ISO 14001 and  OHSAS 18001 standards since 2015. Our aim is  to achieve the highest level of product quality,  reliability and safety, but we also strive to  achieve it at the lowest practicable cost.

Comprehensive manufacturing facilities

THYCON production areas are clean room environments subject to temperature, humidity and dust monitoring and control. The same rigour is applied to the monitoring of materials and services provided by suppliers so that these also meet our quality system standards. Product testing is intensive and encompasses individual modules as well as the final product. It is supported by an exceptional range of manufacturing and testing equipment including deionised/EGW water cooling systems, transformer steel cutting and foil winding machines, vacuum / impregnation systems, LEM semiconductor test equipment, and comprehensive electronics and power test facilities, offering up to 10MVA of testing capacity.

Our primary focus… Customer Satisfaction

THYCON’s continuing success would be impossible without scrupulous attention to our customers’ needs. Like all Australian-owned manufacturing companies we are up against fierce international competition. Rather than offering best-fit generic solutions, we choose to meet that competition by giving our customers exactly what they want.

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