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Thycon Services

THYCON offers expert services to maintain and upgrade our products and to address any other power quality and power control needs you may have.

Key services include:

With our 20-year product design life, and 24-hour, 365-day service support, you can be sure your facility uptime is maximised.

THYCON offers expert services to maintain and upgrade our products and to address any other power quality and power control needs you may have over the life of the facility.

Preventive maintenance services

The most effective method of ensuring product reliability is through regular preventive maintenance. THYCON offer several levels of preventive maintenance cover backed by an online service programme that permits inspection without interfering with the equipment’s normal operation.

Refurbishment and upgrade programmes

THYCON equipment is built to last and many of our field units have exceeded 20 years of continuous service. As technology advances we are able to incorporate innovative solutions to improve the performance and capabilities of underlying proven systems.

Refurbishment programmes allow us to incorporate new technologies and to address issues of component obsolescence without the costs associated with a total equipment replacement.

Easy upgrades through modular design

Upgrades of THYCON products such as transformer input isolation, input harmonic filtering, input power factor correction and 12 or 24 pulse operation are easy and cost-effective due to their modular design. Upgrade modules can be incorporated without major re-working of or disruption to existing installations.

As we evaluate and improve our product range we take great care to ensure that all current models are backward compatible. This means customers can enjoy the advantages of technological improvements as soon as they become available.

Remedial service

Remedial service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. THYCON engineers, with priority access to genuine replacement parts, are available Australia- wide to ensure prompt and effective service.

Adaptable to customer needs

Local design and manufacture means we can modify our products to meet specific customer requirements quickly and efficiently. Modifications can be made during production or on site as required.

Engineering services

For nearly 40, years THYCON has provided Australian companies with engineering advice and solutions to:

  • power quality issues such as voltage surges, sags, spikes, flicker, brownouts and blackouts; low power factor; high harmonics and severe notching
  • power control requirements such as voltage current and frequency conversion; power rectification and power inversion

We are experts in providing answers to power factor and harmonic issues. THYCON Engineering Services can perform a detailed analysis of your site power situation and remedy any problem with practical and economical solutions.

Australia-wide customer sales and support

With offices and staff representation in every major city across Australia, THYCON can ably support customers in need of a fast, flexible and competent response.

24-hour, 365-day support

Full telephone engineering support and advice is available to customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on the THYCON Technical Support Line.

20-year life and support

As THYCON products are manufactured for a 20-year lifespan. We have stocking strategies in place to maintain adequate stock levels of all components and spare parts well into the future.